Round 2

COMMENTATOR: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Round 2 for the baking bout. In the left corner is  chocolate chip cake whiles in the right corner is aspiring amateur baker Priscilla. Let’s remember that chocolate chip cake has already floored Priscilla in the 1st Round. Let’s see how it goes. Are you ready to rumble!!!”



The one who said second time lucky was definitely not trying to bake.  I did all the research and comparison of recipes but I was still heavily defeated.  My cake didn’t burn this time round (luckily) but it sure tasted like I had put 1 cup of bitter paracetamol in it. Awful!! I really can’t pinpoint what is going on.

I have simply decided to lean on the premix cakes for sometime. After all that’s why they were invented. To help amateurs like me :). After I land on my feet in that area, I will retry the baking from scratch.

Until then, it adieus mes comrades 🙂 !!!

What’s Cooking?

As  promised, I tried my hands at cooking something new this week. Recipe for the day was “Chocolate Chip Sponge cake”. Sound delicious right? Since I learnt from TV Show; Chopped that baking is a Science and i must follow the recipe to the T, I did exactly that.

My batter was so perfect; if I must say so myself. But unfortunately my cake turned out burnt  and very dense.  It looked more like bread than anything else. I couldn’t even bear the sight of it. Apparently I wasn’t supposed to have preheated my gas oven for so long (40 minutes to be exact).



What ever happened to following instructions? The cookbook said bake at 175 degrees Celsius. That’s exactly what I did!   I really didn’t know I needed to treat the gas oven differently. Anyways, “if at first you don’t succeed, try again”! so am going to re-attempt this. If any of you dear followers have tips for me, please let me know so my next attempt comes out looking like this 🙂


On the brighter side, my girlfriend and I were at the spa on Saturday, and boy was it relaxing!! I felt too relaxed after that full body massage and pedicures, I slept off like a log.log. Well till next time, wish me luck on my chocolate chip spongecake adventure.

Wandering Thoughts


Ever so frequently, I catch my thoughts wandering and have to jolt myself to reality with the question “Hey! Where are you?” I wonder if I am the only one with this problem (see am wandering again).   I just can’t seem to help it. As soon as I get some “idle” time, my mind goes to planning mode. Thinking about work especially takes over and I feel just so terrible.  Thinking about work when hanging out with baby doesn’t sound like a very momtastic thing to; does it?

family caree

My mantra for the rest of this month is “Thinking too much can cause you problems”. How do I expect to enjoy each day when I am sitting there planning my future phone conversations?

Think too much

Anyways talking about Momtastic, I spent a greater part of my Saturday cooking baby food. I planned to cook a new recipe this weekend but really couldn’t so am pushing forward “new food day” to this weekend. I have a long weekend with Friday being a holiday here.  I am off to check my cookbook and decide what’s cooking!!

I’ll keep you updated.

The Beginning

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“Life’s a journey not a race”

I encountered this phrase in my second year in the University while I was preparing my speech for a pageant I was standing for:   The true meaning didn’t settle into my mind until recently.  Am not sure what I have been considering life to be but I know for sure that, I have just been “passing through”.

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A little about me:

I am a 26 year old Ghanaian living and working in Liberia. I am a Banker by profession but primarily I am a wife and a mother of a looovely 7 months old baby girl. I enjoy many things but primarily I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and being successful at what I do

 Back to basics  

I really can’t pinpoint what struck me but am beginning to realize that I have been rushing through life and not focusing on the important things. I believe the Ghanaian upbringing of fighting to reach to the top as fast as u can has a role to play.

My Quest

Now at age 26 and with a lovely family, I am on a lifestyle change or readjustment. Am on a quest to get to know myself better and enjoy every single minute of my time on earth. I enjoy cooking and one of the things I have set out to do, is to “delve in life’s culinary delights”. I am teaching myself how to cook continental meals, to bake and to simply be a MOMTASTIC & WIFELICIOUS.
